Electronic library Elsevier

Access to online the mode to scientific base Science Direct of electronic library Elsevier is provided to you.

The Elsevier BV company created 400 years ago is an owner of the world’s largest electronic library which includes tens of thousands of names of the scientific magazines, monographs, books, electronic editions prepared and reviewed by authoritative scientists, having high reputation in the sphere of the scientific activities.

Access to her resources is provided by means of specially created program Science Direct platform and the abstract electronic reference book Scopus. The ScienceDirect platform is developed for satisfaction of requirements of the scientific and educational organizations for information search at the polythematic level.

The ScienceDirect platform provides a comprehensive scope of literature from all fields of science, providing access to more than 1900 names of magazines from a collection of Elzevir publishing house. Use the ScienceDirect database more than in 70 countries. ScienceDirect is the most effective and complete electronic interactive system allowing to find and estimate high-quality scientific information.

Free access to scientific electronic publications of ScienceDirect is provided daily to the address: www.sciencedirect.com

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