Terms of use

The library has long been considered as a temple of knowledge, it contains literature on many branches of knowledge, for the entire time of its existence.

This is the first time you have entered the premises of the ZU library. Our library is a structural unit of the university. The library has a study pass, 2 reading rooms. There are also 2 reading rooms located along the academic building. There are computers in all the reading rooms, all of them are connected to the Internet.

An electronic catalog is maintained to help readers.

What should you know about using the library’s services?

The library has an electronic service. The reader’s electronic form is available from the student’s personal account.

After each semester, readers are required to submit literature or extend the period of using. Readers who have not been re-registered will not be served next year.

Using library is free. Library readers have the right to the temporary use of books, magazines, newspapers and other materials available in the library to use bibliographic and reference services to obtain full information on the composition of the library through system of catalogs and card files.

Every library reader must have the skills to use an electronic library. To get acquainted with the electronic resources of the library, guided tours and talks for first–year students are held at the beginning of the academic year.

The delivery of literature to the house is carried out on a subscription basis. Educational literature is issued for a semester or academic year, scientific and artistic literature for a period of two months.

In the reading rooms, you can use all types of publications without the right to take out.

You should also know that encyclopedias, reference books, current periodicals, rare and valuable books will be issued only in the reading room. Is not given to the house also the last and only copy of the publication stored in the fund.

In the library, you can study using electronic textbooks on CD and use the Internet services.

What responsibilities do you have to perform as readers of  ZU library?

Of course, you have to take care of the publications received in the library, return them in a timely manner. Upon receipt of the literature you need to carefully review each publication and in case of detection of any defects report this to the librarian, who will make the book relevant notes. Otherwise, the responsibility for these defects is the last sign for a book reader.

Remember that student who caused the damage to the library Fund is liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In case of loss of books the student must replace it in exactly the same edition and if it is impossible to replace – refund. When leaving the University the reader needs to settle up with the library.

The reader is not allowed to the following:

  • To enter reading rooms with briefcases and bags, outerwear, enabled mobile phones, to break the silence and order in premises of library.
  • To take out from reading room the literature without permission. To spoil library editions (to label, to underline the text, to bend and tear sheets).
  • To enter without the permission of the librarian in offices and libraries.
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