Gali Ormanov
- Gali Ormanov – kazakh poet, writer, journalist and translator, member of the Union of Soviet writers. He was born in 1907 at the mountain Eshki-Olmes in the village of Kapal, Taldy-Kurgan district of the Alma-Aty region.
- Inmate of a Children’s Home, he graduated Kazakh Institute of national education, since he began his literary biography. Gali Ormanov collaborated with the newspaper «Социалистик Казахстан», was the chief editor of “Literature and Art”. A special place in his biography is the work of a literary secretary Zhambyl Zhabayev. In 1929 he graduated Kazakh Institute of national education, and in 1943 – Kazakh Pedagogical Institute.
- Published since 1927. Collaborated with the newspaper kaz. «СоциалистікҚазақстан» (now kaz.«Егемен Қазақстан»). In 1939-1945 he was secretary of the Zhambyl. Later was the editor of the almanac «Майдан», journal of kaz. «Әдебиет және искусство» (now kaz.«Жұлдыз»). G. Ormanov was awarded the order of Lenin, Red Star, Red Banner of Labor, many medals.
- First collection of poems «Обруч» (kaz.«Шеңбер») published in 1934. Then published the books: “Confession of a woman” (kaz. «Абысын сыры») (1936), “Song of life” (kaz. «Өмір дастаны») (1948), “Wings of thought” (каз. «Ой қанаты») (1959), “Fiery river” (kaz. «От өзен») (1965), etc. also Published collections of short stories:”Climb” (kaz.«Көтерме») (1935) and others.
- In the Russian language, published his book «Глазами мысли» (1958), «Голубые дали» (1970) and others.
- Gali Ormanov translated into Kazakh language poems and poems of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, S.A. Esenin, Yana Rainis, Makhtumkuli. He has written translations in the Kazakh language of the masterpieces of world literature, as the novel «Анна Каренина» by L. N. Tolstoy, a story «Невский проспект» N.V. Gogol, A.P. Chehov stories. Translation of the first book of the Kyrgyz epic «Манас», as well as novels and stories of contemporaries – such is the range of translation G. Ormanov.